Ian Beale

3810 days ago

More Ian Beale than Rhett Butler – thank you G Ashworth Esq of Interquest

Movember update – four days to go. As you can see below the Movember tash is continuing to grow. I am actually rather starting to like my “follicle splendour” as Mr Kit Ingoldby described my tash.

Mr Gary Ashworth of Interquest (ITQ) – which incidentally served up a very decent trading statement today and is a buy at 94p – was rather less charitable, saying the tash was “More Ian Beale than Rhett Butler.” Mr Beale is a character in East Enders. Hmmm.

At least Gary is not trying to “out me” as gay like Evil Knievil.

You can sponsor my Movember efforts and help the fight against testicular and prostate cancer here
